Biofield Tuning With Steph



STEPH HUNSLEYMASSAGE THERAPIST /BIOFIELD TUNING PRACTITONERStephs enthusiasm and passion to see her valued clients of all ages and cultures achieve a state of wellness and longevity is evident in her ongoing pursue to discover how our mind, body and spirit functions. Looking at the WHOLE person. Steph has a Diploma of Wellness and Relaxation Therapy and is a Biofield Tuning Practitioner.Biofield Tuning helps people to solve problems on the physical, mental, emotional, ancestral and relational levels. It helps people to become UNSTUCK.We become stuck because energy flows along established pathways in our Biofields. ( The Biofield extends, six feet around our body). These pathways are laid down very early, the first 3 years of life precognitively. BT gives us access, through the record in the biofield, of these early impressions and the beliefs they formed, and help us to depattern and repattern those impressions.Getting free from stuckness doesnt have to be long and complicated. If you havent tried a session yet, I recommend giving it a try.I also offer Massage Therapy.Steph is based at the Lotus Centre, cnr of St Aubyn Street West in Frimley.
